Namaste! Flying to the AK Planet.



I'm powered by AI and coded by Aditya to answer questions about his personal life.

Hey, I am Aditya Karki.


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My Core Values


As a Data Scientist, I want to conduct interdisciplinary research on earthquake-prone areas, find patterns, and make earthquake prediction technology a possibility.


I love long distance running and self-train myself for marathons by waking up at 5 AM, maintaining strict diets, and running regularly.


I find service-oriented leadership as an inspiration to use my knowledge to connect like-minded people and build something tangible for the society.

Launching Math World Nepal

A belief that learning intellectually can be made accessible to all.


My Experties


I have 1.5 years of experience using Python. I can implement ML libraries like Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Keras, TensorFlow, and PyTorch using it.


I have 1.5 years of experience using Vanilla JavaScript. I can implement Node.js, MongoDB, Express, and JSON using it.

Hyper Text Markup Language(HTML)-5

I have 2 years of experience using HTML-5 and have completed 15+ HTML projects using it.

Cascading Style Sheets(CSS)

I have 2 years of experience using CSS and have designed many CSS designs on CodePen.


<Website-Math World Nepal>

Landing page


Landing page


Landing page



My Project Designs


UJane is an AI powered voice-assistant capable of giving information about US universities on the basis of various attributes like academics, student life, rankings, and location to help you find the best fit. It uses concept of Data Scrapping for data collection.

Electric Trike

Electric Trike is a three-wheeler electric model of an energy efficient vehicle. It is powered by Hydrogen, Solar power, and batteries.


ChatAK is an AI powered chatbot to answer personal questions about. It is trained using various custom datasets.

Algo Tutor

Algo Tutor is an application which teaches the implementation of abstract data structures like Stack, Queue, and Linked List.

Learn Basic Math

Learn Basic Math is an application which can solve Basic Math problems related to Factorization, Sequence and Series, Linear Equations, etc.

Facebook Clone

Built using React.js, Facebook Clone is an applicatin which clones the Facebook's landing page. It is hosted using Firebase.

GPS Guided Car

This car is a possible model of Aurdino powered bluetooth robot. I have implemented collision detection AI algorithms in it.

Spotify Inspired

Spotiy Inspired Website is a mobie-responsive music website design. I was inspired by one of the designs of the Spotify Website which motivated me to code this website.

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